Sadie is 10months (I lost my whole post and had to make time to write it again).
This past month Sadie has done so many milestones and we are just so proud of our little girl!
Stats: 21.1lbs and growing like a weed! Fitting in 12month clothes now.
Milestones: Her second word "Dada," putting pieces of food in her mouth, crawling (no more army crawling), standing up by herself and three top teeth poking out!!
Events: Daddy turned 30 in the beginning of the month and had a big group of friends and family stay at Lake Norman, went on a boat ride, some of my California friends came, we started going to storyime at the Library, took 9month photos, went to DC to visit with Uncle Scott, Aunt Karen and Cousin Aiden and went to a huge pumpkin patch. Grammy flew out and visited for a week. We stayed in Durham, NC and toured Duke and Chapel Hill. Grammy actually saw Sadie's first crawl! Had a rough night in the hotel and a few nights after that, so we took her to the Doctor. Sadie had Hand, Foot, and Mouth virus! Same week she was teething and we went back to the Doctors and she had her fourth ear infection! Poor baby and very tired parents!!... For Halloween we had our friends the Matney's over and went trick-or-treating for the first time! The babies were adorable! Miss Sadie was a little lamb (of course), I was the Mama lamb and Darrin was the wolf. ha!
Loves:Tapping and banging anything, the dogs water bowl (she crawls super fast when we aren't looking to splash, gross), loves to move all around while dressing her, dropping things on the floor while in her highchair, getting Maddie to wash her sticky food hands (gross again), sleeping in cars, kisses, holding anything in her hands and examining the textures, horsey ride, songs, stroller rides, and books still!
9 Month photos |
Little lamb for Halloween |
Nolan as Nacho Libre, Little lamb and the Dads |
Meeting Auntie Mari for the first time in NC |
First time standing up in her crib--so proud! |
Yum!! |
First time in the Library |
Grammy came to visit her two grandchildren |
It turned COLD while Grammy was here |
Duke Chapel--Future student! |