The first year truly goes so fast and we have enjoyed being new parents more than anything. Sadie has been a blessing to us and it has strengthened our relationship even more. We have gone through a lot of changes this past year and raising a newborn has taught us a lot. We have been great partners in parenting and we are still learning everyday. We managed a whole year of taking naps. Yes, naps! We have a daughter who is very calm, observant, sweet, and loving during the day, but she wasn't much of a sleeper at night. We tagged team at night and pulled through during the day. It's getting a lot better, but hope this next year we will be sleeping and not napping!
It has been an incredible experience having a baby and I have learned that I would do anything for her. I have so much love for Sadie and it just amazes me how much she has learned and grown in just one year. She is one smart, beautiful girl and I'm proud to be her Mom!
12Month Milestones/Events:
Shaking her head for "Yes" and "No"
Baby dolls-Loves them!
Kissing and patting
Pushing and walking her "shopping cart"
Eating more. Slowing down on nursing and no more formula. Switched to whole milk, loves bananas, raviolis, raspberries, crackers, and mandarin oranges.
Cutting down her first Christmas tree and celebrating her first Christmas
First cake smash-She was delicate, of course!
Stomach flu on her birthday and unfortunately gave it to everyone at her birthday party
First cake smash-She was delicate, of course!
Stomach flu on her birthday and unfortunately gave it to everyone at her birthday party
First ER trip! We flew to CA (her fourth plane ride) for Christmas and went straight to the ER for the stomach bug
CIO (Cry it Out method) In CA, we finally had Sadie try to soothe herself at night. It worked drastically!!
New Converse shoes for her birthday
Sitting in a big chair, eating at a table and sleeping on a cot at daycare
It has been an incredible first year! Excited to see Sadie's changes and what this next year holds for us!

Photography by: Laura's Focus Photography
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